We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Respect Everyone: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Avoid engaging in personal attacks, harassment, or any form of discriminatory language and behavior.
No Spam: Refrain from posting spam, including self-promotion and advertisements, unless in designated areas or threads.
Stay on Topic: Ensure your posts are relevant to the thread's topic to maintain focused and productive discussions. Use the appropriate categories and sub-forums for your posts.
No Explicit Content: Do not post explicit, obscene, or violent content. Maintain a family-friendly environment suitable for users of all ages.
Protect Your Privacy: Avoid sharing personal information publicly on the forum. Be cautious about sharing sensitive information with others.
No Trolling: Do not troll or bait others into engaging in heated arguments. Foster a community where members can share their opinions respectfully.
Cite Your Sources: When sharing information or news, provide credible sources to back up your statements, and give credit to the original content creators.
Report Violations: If you witness a violation of the rules, report it to the moderators promptly to help maintain the community standards.
Respect Intellectual Property: Only share content that you have the right to share, respecting copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights.
Constructive Feedback: Encourage constructive feedback and healthy discussions. Avoid negative criticism that does not offer room for growth or understanding.
Consequences for Rule Violations:
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: Temporary Suspension
Third Offense: Permanent Ban
Note: Depending on the severity of the violation, immediate temporary suspension or permanent ban may be enforced.
The moderators reserve the right to remove posts, edit content, and take necessary actions to maintain the harmony and standards of the forum. We encourage all members to engage positively, helping build a community where everyone feels welcome and safe.
The rules are subject to change, and it is the members' responsibility to stay updated on any modifications to the forum rules.
Thank you for helping us build a respectful and vibrant community. Let's celebrate our love for fragrances while respecting each other's voices and perspectives.